Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 2

Well I survived Day 1 of WW and used all my 42pps and even used 5pps weekly ones. I wasn't hungry at all and I think I made pretty good choices. The program is easier than what I thought and I am so looking forward to seeing the results on Thurs at weigh in.

This morning I went for a run I had a challenge for myself to run around my block and I did it but I had to stop twice and have a couple of short walks but I know I just need to push through the pain and not give up so easy.

I went out and bought some fresh fruit and vegies and some other yummy supplies so I have lots of choices so I don't get bored and give up but the way I feel now there will be no giving up :)

I have a goal in mind and it is a long term one but I want to fit my wedding rings again I haven't been able to wear them for a few years since gaining the weight back. We were going to buy a new set but I think if I can fit them again that would be even better.

I need to sit down and work out my short term goals so I have something to work towards.

My exercise has been full on this week so tomorrow will be a rest day I don't want to over do it 6 days will be plenty I think :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Beginnings, Next Stage

Last night I joined up with WW again it was very scary but I am so pleased that I did I think this is just what I need to move past where I am right now. I am able to get more into my training now and running more so that will also help me get this weight off.

My Stats are:
Start Weight: 123.7kgs
Current Weight : 123.7kgs
Goal Weight : 76kgs

I am in such a good place right now it's amazing I don't think I have ever felt this good before it has been a long time coming.

My marriage is great and I love being with my husband, I am getting my children under control, my training is going so well and now I am getting the last part right and that is my eating so right now things just look so great and positive for me right now.

I don't think I could want anything more than what I have now :)

I am getting back into my crafts as well and enjoying that again I am just waiting for my new toy to come over from the US and then I will be a busy crafter.

Compared to where I was just a year ago so much has changed and I have gone from being so miserable to being so happy and no signs of depression so I have managed to beat it and keep it away because I will never go back there.

The key is positiveness, exercise and good eating and it will keep depression away well it works for me anyway :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

I really need to make some changes

I am feeling really frustrated at the moment for 7mths I have stayed the same weight and them I gained 2.5kgs and I cant shake it again and it's getting hard. I talked to Joy today about it and she suggested I go back to WW and get some extra motivation. Tony and I just talked about it and he agreed so on Thurs I will start again and I will start to win this battle again.

I know this isn't going to be easy but it will be worth it and I may even start feeling better too so it will be good for mind and body. I have done this before and this time I will do it and I will win and learn to keep it off this time. Even just making this decision I feel energised and happy. I will put everything I have into this and I know that I will have the support of Joy, Julie and Tony so by Christmas I will look good in my new swimsuit lol.

So I guess over the next few days I will be setting goals and making plans for the new me :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A crappy week

This past week has been horrible on the 14th July my Oma passed away so that was pretty hard to take and then the next few days consisted of seeing family members that we haven't seen for a while and seeing Oma in her coffin that was hard but she looked at piece and like she was asleep which was good.

On the monday we had the funeral that was hard but it was a beautiful service and she would have liked it.

Just before the service ended I got a blood nose and it wasn't in a hurry to stop which was hard for me I felt really embarrassed by it what a time to get one.

So I got thru all of that but something just didn't feel right but I don't know what it was I lost all motivation I only went to training once last week I got sick again it just wasn't a good time for me at all and I still don't feel right.

I feel guilty because I didn't spend enough time with Oma I didn't ring her enough I just don't know how to get past it I hate feeling like this it is frustrating and I get scared that the depression will come back and I can't go there again.

I hope next week is better I will have to find away to make it happen.

I did some crafts today and enjoyed it but that frustrates me too because I don't feel some stuff is good enough hmmm I gotta stop beating myself up so much and give myself a break.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Getting back into things I love

Thankfully I am getting over my cold that has lasted 12 days and I am back into training which has been wonderful I just need to get my eating under control again a week off can really put me of track which sux.

I am also getting back into my crafts and enjoying it so much. I also set up a Facebook page and had a little competition so I have lots to do over the next week.

Things are going so well for me at the moment and it feels great :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

It's been almost a year since I was last here

So much has happened since I last came on here. My marriage ended, I fell apart, I started training 5 days a week, I went off all my medications and I got my husband back and put my family back together wow what a year lol

Life right now couldn't get much better it was a rough year but also a good one I found myself getting a lot stronger and doing things I never thought I could do and being successful at it.

After 16 1/2yrs together my husband went to Aussie and after 2wks over there decided our marriage was over. At the time it was very hard but then I realised that it was probably for the best we hadn't been happy for a long time but what happened after that affected me even more and that was while he was over there just 3wks after ending our marriage he met someone else and that hurt so much more than him leaving.

Then in October last year he got sent home from aussie early and we started spending time together and getting to know each other again and in March this year we decided that our marriage was worth saving and in the last 3mths it has been really good still had a few ups and downs like most couples but we are happy and that's what counts.

I am training 5 days a week and loving it and love my Trainer she has been such a God send to me over the last year and helped me get where I am now her support and encouragement has just been wonderful.

My weight is pretty stable right now I have lost 25kgs and maintained my weight for 7mths and I am now approx 119.7kgs so I am happy with that because I have never maintained for that long so its all good :)

So basically that is what has been happening with me over the last year and hopefully I will be back sooner than a year this time :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Busy Day

I took the kids to school this morning and then came home and went for my walk around the block and then came home and had to do my circuit but I only managed 2 lots today.

I am so sore today from yesterday and my arms are hurting big time but I still did what I needed too or at least what I could. I am feeling better since starting to exercise.

I had to take Josh to the Hospital for an appointment and it is a nice walk to get from one place to another and for once I found it quite easy walking it so I think all this exercise is helping even though my legs still burn so badly when I walk in the mornings it still makes me want to cry.

I keep going though with it cause it's worth it aqnd it does make me feel so much better and I know that I wont always feel this way I know it will get better.